PUBLIC FUNCTION InitLFS (prodno%, network$, direction$, basedir$) AS STRING
DIM sym$, symname$, defdir$, position%, proddir$, iniPath$, rv%, LFSversion$, notused%
DIM Productfound$,previousprod$,temp%
DIM sourceFile As STRING
DIM destFile As STRING
DIM majorVer#,minorVer#
DIM filename$
' Check and make sure that we have Notes 4.x on the system
DIM session As New NotesSession
DIM versionStr As STRING
DIM startPos%
versionStr$ = session.NotesVersion
startPos% = InStr(1,versionStr$,"4.")
If (startPos%) Then
majorVer# = Val(Mid$(versionStr$,startPos%,3))
End If
' minorVer# = Val(Mid$(versionStr$,3,1))
' MessageBox "majorVersion is "+str$(majorVer#)
'MessageBox "This is PreGold Version. Fix the version checking for Gold"
' MessageBox "MajorVer "+str$(majorVer#)+" Minor Ver "+str$(minorVer#)
' If (majorVer# < 4.5) Then ' this is not a 4.5 release or later of Notes
' MessageBox "Version of Notes on your machine has to be 4.5 or later, and currently you have "+versionStr$+"installed. Please upgrade and start the Install again"